
My name is Lisa and I'm a crafty girl with wanderlust working as an engineer by day. My blog chronicles projects in my home as well as pictures and stories from my travels.



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DIY Drink Coasters

As a part of a wedding shower gift for my friend, Kristen, I decided to make drink coasters. I had purchased some bar related items from her wedding registry and thought this would be a nice compliment to the gift.

To make the coasters I used white twill fabric, 3/8" navy grosgrain ribbon and white thread. I wanted the coasters to be 4" square so I started by cutting two 5" squares from my twill (4" plus 1/2" seam allowance) for each coaster.

I cut four 5" lengths of ribbon for each coaster and pinned them to the top of a twill square 1" from the edge. To tack the ribbons in place I sewed around the twill 1/4" from the edge and removed the pins. I then pinned a second twill square to the beribboned square with right sides together. I sewed around the edges with a 1/2" seam allowance leaving a 2" gap for turning the coaster right side out. After I finished sewing I clipped the corners and ironed the seams flat before turning it right side out. I ironed the coaster again and then finished it by using a blind stitch to close up the gap.

The fun thing about the coasters is that if you are using them for wine glasses you can slide the ribbons around the base of the glass and the coaster will stay attached to the glass. For wine glasses with a smaller sized base my pattern would need to be tweaked to place the ribbons closer to each other and for larger ones the ribbon should be a little farther apart. Cheers!

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    Response: Buy Coaster online
    Get your favourite coaster online from Gulkhan

Reader Comments (4)

Nice work! What do you think about these drink coasters


February 8, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterDrink Coaster

NIce idea... nice coasters..!!!

April 23, 2018 | Unregistered Commenterankur sharma

Drink coasters are a great way to protect your surfaces while adding a bit of personality to your space. They’re both functional and decorative. If you're looking for a practical accessory to complement your coasters, a tote bag makes an excellent choice. It’s stylish, spacious, and perfect for carrying your coasters along with other essentials. Tote Bags offer a blend of style and functionality, making them a great addition to your everyday items.

December 30, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterUsama

Drink coasters are a great way to protect your surfaces while adding a bit of personality to your space. They’re both functional and decorative. If you're looking for a practical accessory to complement your coasters, a tote bag makes an excellent choice. It’s stylish, spacious, and perfect for carrying your coasters along with other essentials. Tote Bags offer a blend of style and functionality, making them a great addition to your everyday items.

December 30, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterUsama

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