
My name is Lisa and I'm a crafty girl with wanderlust working as an engineer by day. My blog chronicles projects in my home as well as pictures and stories from my travels.



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Cameras Past & Present

I've had some questions about my travel photographs so I thought I would start by sharing what camera equipment I use. Over the years I've used a variety of cameras that I've all really enjoyed and worked well for me.

Canon Rebel (Summer 1999 - Fall 2003)
When I finished undergrad I saved some of my summer internship money to buy myself a 35mm film Canon Rebel with a kit lens in the Summer of 1999. I loved that camera and toted it everywhere with me during grad school. This was the camera that I took on my first trip overseas. The only downside was that with all the pictures I took I was always lugging tons of film around with me. 

Canon Digital Rebel (Fall 2003 - Summer 2010)
After I finished grad school and started working I decided to use some of the money from my annual bonus to buy the original Digital Rebel in the Fall of 2003. Before the Digital Rebel there weren't really any options for an affordable digital SLR so I was pretty excited when it came out. Although I was a little sad to give up my film, pretty quickly I was in love with the flexibility that having a digital camera provided me. Initially I used the EF-S 18-55mm kit lens but then I upgraded to a bigger zoom lens a few years later which proved to be a nice multipurpose lens for me.

Sadly, my beloved camera finally died on me. I took it everywhere including a lot of humid locations. On my trip to Guatemala in 2010 the shutter button started acting funny and I had to press it really hard to take a picture. I was in some rain storms during that trip and when I returned home some of the switches on the back of the camera had stopped working. My Rebel served me well over the years and I took tens of thousands of pictures with it.  

Canon EOS 7D (Summer 2010 - present)
With my Rebel dead I needed to buy a new camera. Since I used my old camera for seven years I decided to get a camera that I really loved and could use for many years again. After investigating a lot of options I ended up splurging on a 7D.

While searching around for a good price I found it was offered among Adorama Camera's refurbished equipment. Adorama Camera is a well known company and its Canon refurbished products are refurbished by the manufacturer and come with a 1 year warranty. Combining that with the fact that buying it refurbished saved me a few hundred dollars I decided that was the way to go.

My 7D has been fabulous and I love the pictures that I can take with it. I also really enjoy being able to capture video with the camera. With my 7D I use a Canon EF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS lens. I find it is a great multipurpose lens to use while I am traveling. It gives me a lot of flexibility in one lens that enables me to pack light.

Canon Power Shot G12 (Summer 2011 - present)
Before heading on my trip to Southeast Asia for three weeks last summer I decided to get a point and shoot camera. After researching my options I decided to get a Powershot G12. I like to shoot in RAW which is supported by the G12 and it also gives me the flexibility to change the aperture and shutter speed which I like.

My 7D is my main camera but I love being able to slip my G12 into my pocket to take pictures when I am out with friends or at a restaurant. I also use it when I am in situations where flashing my SLR around isn't the smartest idea. For example if I am in a crowded market known for pickpockets then I keep my 7D packed away and use my G12 instead. It allows me to take nice pictures in situations where I might otherwise be a little uneasy with using my 7D. I also like having a small backup camera with me on my travels in case something happens to my 7D.

So what kind of camera do you use? What do you love about it? What would your ideal camera setup be?


Picture of the Day: Street in Terrasini, Sicily

Terrasini, Italy


Italy Trip Day 2: Paris Whirlwind

Arriving at Charles de Gaulle exhausted in the late morning Frank and I decided to get a day room at the airport. We made a brief half hour stop there to take quick showers and leave our luggage while we went out into Paris by train.

After our flight from Montreal to Paris was delayed by nearly five hours, the full day that we thought we would have in Paris was now shrunk down to a few hours but we definitely made the most of what time we did have. On my first trip to Europe ten years ago the very first thing I did was go to see the Eiffel Tower so I wanted that to be our first stop in Paris. Despite the gloomy weather, the intricate lattice work soaring into the sky was just as impressive as the first time I saw it.

Built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair, the tower currently stands at 1,063 feet (324 meters). It was a technological marvel when it was built and held the honor of being the tallest building in the world for forty-one years. To give the tower added illusion of height, three paint colors are used on the tower with the darkest shade on the bottom and the lightest up top. The Eiffel Tower was never intended to be a permanent structure, but due to its usefulness for communications it was allowed to stand and has since become an iconic French symbol. 

After seeing the Eiffel Tower we made a little stop at a crêpe stand for savory crêpes filled with ham, cheese and mushrooms. They were absolutely delicious! We ate them on a park bench along the Seine and then headed to the Bir-Hakeim metro station.

We got off the metro at Charles de Gaulle Étoile and headed to the Arc de Triomphe which honors the men who fought and died on behalf of France during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. Built at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the arch stands 146 feet (50 meters) tall and is covered with relief sculptures representing important moments and battles from the French Revolution and Napoleonic era. Located at the center of a roundabout with twelve roads radiating out, it is a truly impressive sight.

Frank and I bought tickets and went up the narrow spiral steps inside the arch to see the gallery at the top of the arch and the view from the top.

The views from the top of the Arc de Triomphe were amazing, even with the cloudy day. Looking directly below, we could look straight down the famed Champs-Élysées. We also had a great view of the Eiffel Tower and could even see the Sacré-Cœur Basilica perched on the top of Montmartre in the distance.

Back on the subway, we got off at Palais Royal – Musée du Louvre. Due to our shortened day we sadly had no time to visit the Louvre but we did walk by to enjoy the architecture. The history of the Lourve Palace dates back to a twelfth century fortress and has undergone many expansions and renovations over the years, most recently adding the glass pyramid and underground lobby in 1989. After centuries as a royal palace, during the French Revolution it was decided to use the Louvre as a museum to showcase national art treasures.

With over the two hundred years of history as an art museum the Lourve is one of the largest museums in the world with an impressive collection. On my previous trip I spent a full day wandering the galleries and saw only a fraction of the museum. Perhaps I'll get to go back and explore it again on another trip.

From the Louvre we decided to next visit Notre Dame Cathedral and walked along the Seine to get there instead of taking the Metro. Along the way we had beautiful views of the river and Île de la Cité.

Along the Seine, book stalls (bouquinistes) line the banks selling books and prints. When not open for use the stalls close up as boxes that can be locked. It was fun to browse as we walked and we stumbled upon some vintage reproduction fruit postcard prints that I had purchased at one of the stalls ten years ago. At only 50 Euro cents per card, I couldn't resist adding a few more to my collection.

We arrived at Notre Dame Cathedral late in the afternoon. Begun in 1163 and taking nearly two hundred years to complete, it was among the first buildings in the world to utilize flying buttresses enabling the soaring vaulted ceilings. Considered one of the best examples of French-Gothic architecture, the cathedral is truly impressive with amazing stone carvings and stained glass. Wandering around it was truly impressive.

After visiting Notre Dame it was time to catch the train back to the airport to catch our flight to Rome. At the airport there was a Ladurée shop and I couldn't resist buying a trio of macarons in black currant, strawberry and chocolate. They were amazing and a sweet way to end our whirlwind time in Paris.



Picture of the Day: Tomb of Tu Duc in Hue



















Tomb of Tu Duc (Tự Đức)
Hue, Vietnam


Home Sweet Home

My Italy vacation with Frank has finally come to an end. After a twenty-one hour journey starting in Rome at 4:30 in the morning I am back at home.

I had a really wonderful time on our trip. We spent a while in Rome enjoying the myriad of sights, ate amazing pizza in Naples, explored the ruins of Pompeii and soaked in the beauty of the Amalfi Coast. The best surprise of the trip was how much we loved Sicily and I definitely want to go back there to explore more someday.

I am exhausted and jet lagged but happy. I look forward to sharing some pictures and stories. Now for a little sleep...



Picture of the Day: Ruins at Mycenae

Mycenae, Greece


Reason I ♥ A2 # 18: The Ravens Club Brunch

Frank and I love to go out for brunch on the weekend and Ann Arbor is not lacking in wonderful options. One of the places that I really love is The Ravens Club. They have a fabulous brunch menu that never disappoints. They have awesome omelettes and if you are in the mood, the best Bloody Mary in town.

The Ravens Club also has a wonderful beef hash with heirloom potatoes topped with a poached duck egg. My very favorite brunch option there has to be the lamb and pork belly cabbage rolls with basmati rice. It is a wonderful combination of comfort food with a fun twist. Yum!

If you ever find yourself in good old Ann Arbor town on a Sunday morning, try visiting The Ravens Club. You won't be disappointed!

If you are interested, check out the other reasons I love Ann Arbor here: I ♥ A2 Blog Posts


Picture of the Day: Souvenir Stand by the Queen's Staircase in Nassau



















The Queen's Staircase
Nassau, Bahamas


Random Sights: Clever Vending Machine Solution in Rome

Earlier this week in Rome as Frank and I were walking from the Spanish Steps to the restaurant we were going to have dinner at, we spotted this clever bit of entrepreneurship. This little shop had closed for the night and pulled down its metal shutter but was still open for selling cigarettes. By cutting a few strategic holes in the metal shutter passersbys could still use the cigarette vending machine. Just to be sure you didn't miss it, there was a lit up blue and white "T" sign indicating a Tabacchi and proclaming it was open 24 hours for self serve. It totally cracked me up!


Picture of the Day: Vienna Skyline




















Vienna, Austria