
My name is Lisa and I'm a crafty girl with wanderlust working as an engineer by day. My blog chronicles projects in my home as well as pictures and stories from my travels.



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Resolution Recap: May 2012

Last month my 2012 New Year's resolutions of purging and organizing my home and finishing up projects around the house went by the wayside a bit but I was back on track in May. I am happy with what I accomplished, especially the garage cleaning.

Resolution 1: Purge & Organize
I met my goal of having a volume of at least one trash cart (between my recycling and regular trash) out on the curb on garbage pick-up morning every Monday in May, even on the Monday following my weekend trip to Florida. Here's my breakdown:

- May 7: 3/4 full trash + 1/2 full recycle = 1-1/4 total
- May 14: 3/4 full trash + 1/4 full recycle = 1 total
- May 21: 1 full trash + 1 full recycle + 3 SUV loads full (from garage cleaning) = tons!
- May 28: 1 full trash + 1/4 full recycle = 1-1/4 total

On the organizing front Frank helped me clean and organize my garage. It definitely needs more work, but it is so nice to have space in there to work on projects now. I also did some blog organizing creating my Projects tab with thumbnails of projects as well as my Away tab with a clickable map of where I have traveled.

Resolution 2: Finish Up Projects
I got a lot of gardening work done outside in May including new plantings in my front beds and clearing out my back bed. In my guest room I got a little more done, replacing the old outlets and making over a luggage stand that I rediscovered during my garage cleaning. I also spruced up my garage door by painting it red and replacing the door knob and worked on my application to the historic district for new shutters and two replacement windows

In June I hope to fix the trim on the garage door and maybe get some things done in my back entry/laundry room.

How are you coming along on your New Years Resolutions? Did you finish up any big projects in May? 

Reader Comments (4)

I usually make "new year's resolutions" during my birthday month (which is not January) - May's projects were a little waylaid because of the sudden death of my brother in law, although most of my May garden projects did get done, just need to lay some mulch. The rest of this year's garden projects will require the hiring of a strong young buck :-). My plans for June are neatly printed out and I have attached to my daytimer so I get to see them every morning and evening. I have an ongoing project of completing several un-journaled scrap book pages.

June 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMary-Lou

Mary-Lou- Wow! You have been very productive! It also sounds like you are very organized about making plans. Good for you! I can be pretty haphazard about what I actually get around to doing.

June 1, 2012 | Registered CommenterLisa

My goals for May were reached - I got the job in Little Rock! Now I am making plans to move by the end of June. I also have a conference in Williamsburg this month that I'll be attending. But most importantly, I got the job in Little Rock!! YAY ME!! *sorry, I'm just so excited*

June 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRene

Rene- That is so awesome that you got the job! I remember that you posted on your blog a bit ago about going down to interview. I know from what you have said that you were wanting to leave the Northeast to head South so this is super exciting. Congratulations! I am so happy for you! Woohoo!

June 1, 2012 | Registered CommenterLisa

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