10 Pictures Series
Recently I have been thinking a bit about what I want to do with my blog. One of the main things was that I wanted to document some of my travels for myself. Unfortunately, gathering up all the photos and details for me to make one of my travel posts takes me a while so I haven't kept up on it for the trips I have taken since I started the blog much less done a lot of documenting of trips that happened earlier. For example so far this year I've been to Japan twice, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Florida, Atlanta, New York, Northern Michigan, Chicago, Arizona, Kentucky, Milwaukee and Connecticut but I've barely written about those travels.
On the flip side I have loved looking through my old travel pictures to post my Picture of the Day, but I wasn't really writing down anything other than the date and place of the photo and I haven't been too motivated to post them lately. After thinking about things I decided that I would replace my Picture of the Day with a 10 Pictures From (insert place here) series. This way I could share a few photos from a place and write a little bit with the idea that I could start more effectively documenting my travels. I still plan to write some detailed travel posts like I always have but I think this will be a good way to catch myself up on documenting some of my favorite travel photos and memories.
My plan is to start tomorrow. I just need to pick the first place to write about!

Reader Comments (8)
I think your blog is excellent in its current format (although I do miss your scrapping posts). Great self photo.
So far your travel updates have amazing details, I always felt like I had been on the adventure with you. Your photos are amazing and show and tell SO much of the trip.
Looking forward to what ever changes you make.
That sounds like a plan that benefits you AND us! Looking forward to the things you'll share!
Lisa: Your blog is great no matter what you post! Love it!
Many of us are anticipating those photos and the stories behind those photos. It's my first visit here in your blog and I checked on your past posts.. your photos are really amazing. I like your shots in autumn as well as your shots in Kinkanku-ji. They're pretty inspiring, makes me wanna visit Kyoto in the next months. Happy writing! :)
Mary-Lou- Thank you! I haven't done much scrapbooking in a long time but I will definitely post if I do.
Sandy- Thank you! You are so sweet!
Kathy- Thank you so much! What a kind thing to say!
Rachel- I'm glad that you found my blog and like it. Kyoto is awesome in the fall if you have a chance to go. From mid-November to early December the Japanese maples there are amazing shades of orange and red.
Looking forward to seeing even more travel photos - or whatever you enjoy posting about on your blog - it is all good.:)
I love your travel posts and photos. I always remember seeing them in the scrapbook magazines and just loved how much you traveled so I'm so excited you will be continuing to post about it.
Linda- Thank you! I'm glad that you like my blog!
Orlanda- Thank you! Traveling is definitely one of my favorite hobbies and I think this change will prompt me to share a bit more.