
My name is Lisa and I'm a crafty girl with wanderlust working as an engineer by day. My blog chronicles projects in my home as well as pictures and stories from my travels.



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June Garden Update: Successes & Failures

As June is drawing to a close I thought I would share what is currently happening in my vegetable and herb garden. I love my garden but I do not have a green thumb so I have some failures as well as successes. Being away a lot I haven't tended to it like I should and the searing temperatures that we have had in Southeast Michigan in May and June this year have not helped things at all.

I'll share my bad news with you first. My sweet basil, purple ruffles basil and the star sister dahlias that I planted in my front bed were incredibly tasty to some little critters and got pretty munched up. They are all now practically dead and I am really disappointed. I'm planning on pulling up the plants and replacing them with something else but don't know what yet.

Despite those disappointments I have lots of great things happening in my garden as well. My lettuce has flourished and there are some little beans are growing on my bush bean plants. Some of the beans are even almost ready to pick. I really can't wait to eat some.

My zucchini plant has bloomed and little tomatoes have popped up on my tomato plants.

In the herb section of my garden my lavender plant is full of flowers and this year I will finally be able to harvest and dry some. I replanted my mint in sunken containers earlier this spring which has seemed to keep it from overtaking my whole garden.

The rosemary, oregano, chives and sage have been in my garden a few years now and have become so prolific that they are overcrowded now. I plan to transplant them with some added space between the plants, but I am not sure if it is better to do it this fall or next spring. I also need to trim out some of the rosemary branches that have died out.

Overall I am happy with how things are going and I have had a chance to use a lot of my herbs in my cooking so far this year.

What is growing in your garden? Has anything not worked out like you planned? What has flourished?

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