Craft Room Cleanup Giveaway: Winter Holiday Supplies
This is what my hot mess of a craft room looked like a month ago.
Here's what it looks like now.
Yes, I know that I haven't made that much progress, but at least you can see some of the floor now! By posting these pictures I am hoping I can embarrass myself into getting things cleaned up faster. As I mentioned before my hoarding problem is your gain because as I sort out my craft supplies and figure out what I don't really need I am giving them away.
Since December is upon us I thought I would load this box up with Winter and Holiday inspired goodies. I've got lots of papers (over 100 sheets) for scrapbooking or card making in reds and greens for Christmas plus some snowy blues as well as a bunch of embellishments like ribbons, stickers, decorative tape, chipboard shapes, etc. I have some items that are specifically winter or holiday as well as some non themed items that have a similar winter tone. Below is a sampling of what is included.
All you have to do to enter is comment on this post telling me a favorite holiday memory or what you love about winter.
You can submit additional entries with separate posts doing one of the following:
- Like my page on Facebook (Post what name you liked me under)
- Follow me on Pinterest (Post what name you followed me under)
- Pin one of my posts to Pinterest (Post a link to your pin)
Only posts on my blog (not on facebook) will count as entries and you can have a maximum of five total entries.
Some Rules:
- To be eligible you must be 18 years of age or older and have a shipping address in the US (sorry, international shipping for such a heavy box is really pricey)
- Entries will close on Friday December 7, 2012 at 12:00 Noon EST
- The winner will be chosen by a random number generator based on the posts
- I will notify the winner by email and they will have 72 hours to confirm with a valid US address
- This prize is being provided by Home and Away With Lisa from my craft room stash and I am not being compensated in any way for this giveaway
Updated to Add: The winner for the giveaway is Sandy. Thank you all so much for sharing your holiday memories with me. I loved reading them all!

Reader Comments (16)
Lisa what progress, you can see the floor now. (lol) What a nice stash of goodies, wish one of my sisters still lived in Tennessee, I would have her entry on my behalf. :-)
I like your paper flat storage - is it easier to find laying flat like that? I have always kept my paper in a stand up plastic folder and I am forever searching for a particular sheet. And having said that, is it not amazing that how we remember each patterned sheet ...... I know I have the perfect "..........." for the page, now where is it.
Hi Lisa:
Thank you for cleaning out your space and sharing with us!
One of my traditional holiday memories is having chestnuts during the month of December. Since I'm European, my family always upheld this tradition -- I still try to have them at least once during the month of December - they are yummy!
Enjoy your week.
Hey...progress is progress...that's what I say ;-) One of my favorite Christmas traditions is decorating the Christmas tree. Each year we choose a theme. We have a bin with classic colored ornaments (silver, white, gold). The other bin has colored ornaments. Some are red, blue, victorian pink, soft sky blue, etc. So, the tree gets decorated with white and silver/gold. Then we use color from our other bin. The color that we add generally goes with the theme we've chosen. Some of our themes in the past have been: Heaven, Savior, Victorian, Patriotic (the year of 9/11),etc. Thanks;-)
My favorite holiday traditions is going to the Christmas Tree Farm each year to get our tree. Every year since I can remember we have done this. It's so much fun and there are discussions, arguments and whining about which tree to pick for my Mom's house and now that we're older everyone else's houses (6 kids plus the parents tree). This year we met at my little sister's house. My mom picked up my 2 brothers and my nephew. Me and my significant other drove separate. My other sister brought her hubby and my niece and nephew and on the way out we picked up my other brother. We took our family picture at the farm this year. It's such a great start to the season.
Liked your page under Jen Harbal
I already follow you on pinterest LOL Jennifer Harbal
Pinned your gingerbread house a couple days ago. :)
Sounds like I'm a stalker ha ha
I'm always inspired by your goals to get more organized. I need to do the same with my walk-in closet; it's a mess!
A favorite Christmas memory of mine is from when I was around 12 or 13 years old. I remember walking into the living room on Christmas morning and seeing a new desk and typewriter. Even from an early age, I loved to write, so these were the perfect gifts for me. Oh, how I wish I still had that old manual typewriter so I could use it on my scrapbook pages today.
Thanks for sharing some of your stash with us! Merry Christmas!
I really wish I had your energy. Seems like you are able to get so much accomplished.
My favorite thing about winter: walking through the woods while it is snowing. The world seems quiet around you as the snowflakes gently hit the ground. Breathing in the cold air is so refreshing.
My favorite Christmas memory is waiting at the top of the stairs on Christmas morning with my siblings waiting to run downstairs to open presents! Funny how remember the anticipation more than all of the toys. :). This blog is too cool Lisa!
Of course I liked you on Facebook! As I always tell you, you have a great back up plan if you get sick of work. :)
I recently found your blog; you have inspired me since seeing your layouts in CK and when your book was published. I'm so glad to have found you again!
My favorite childhood memory of winter is all of the neigborhood kids playing for hours in the snow - I grew up in Michigan - building forts and snow horses. Apparently, we never got cold! Don't have the snow now, but I do miss it a little.
Like you on facebook as Kathy Maher Fritz!
My favorite holiday memory is all of the holiday parties my parents would have. There would be a lot of eating and a lot of singing! My parents are both gone now and I miss them, especially during the holidays because they both loved Christmas so much. I think we were the only family on my block to have two Christmas trees!
Happy Holidays! What I love about the holidays is the auroa in the air -- lights, smells, sights, sounds, bright colors, hustle and bustle!
I love the gathering of friends during the holidays.
Enjoy this season.