Secondhand Treasures
Last weekend I picked up a few secondhand treasures at the Ann Arbor ReUse Center and the Treasure Mart and I thought I would share. Some of the items look a little rough right now, but I have fun plans for them.
In the top left corner is a cute little tin with a lovely stamped design on the side. The gold and green is a little much for me but I think with some spray paint it could be a cute addition somewhere in my house.
Below the tin is a lazy susan that I picked up for a dollar. It's in a little rough condition, but with a little sanding and painting it will look as good as new. I plan to use it for an organization project.
In the top of the middle is a red Le Creuset salt cellar than I bought for $6. It was brand new and still had the tags on it. It will be perfect in my kitchen.
Below the salt cellar is a little pewter chalice that I picked up for $0.50. I think it will be cute as a vase for flowers or branches.
On the right side is a wooden frame that I grabbed for $2. I liked how the corners were rounded off instead of square. The gold and green chippy paint is sweet, but I am not sure yet if I will keep it or do something different with it.
Inside the frame is a stone tablet with the Golden Gate Bridge on it. I know it looks really cheesy right now, but it is a bit of a throwback to my days living in the Bay Area plus it was only a dollar and I have a fun makeover plan for it.
Have you picked up any fun secondhand things lately? What was your best deal?

Reader Comments (2)
I like the red salt cellar. Lately it is more of me taking things to be recycled than me picking up something.
I enjoyed yesterday's 5 things about me post - so many interesting facts about people. I think that this could be a scrapbook page - I think I will list more than 5 things about myself.
Mary-Lou- I have been doing a lot of donating, too. Unfortunately, when I drop things off I can't resist taking a look to see if there is anything that might be useful to get. I had so much fun reading what everyone wrote, too. I think it would make a wonderful topic for a scrapbook page for you to make.