Centrair Airport Bath - Blog - homeandawaywithlisa

My name is Lisa and I'm a crafty girl with wanderlust working as an engineer by day. My blog chronicles projects in my home as well as pictures and stories from my travels.



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Centrair Airport Bath

Bathhouses are very popular in Japan and while I was living there I loved going.  I didn't have a chance to go earlier on my trip, but Centrair Airport has a bathhouse so I decided to take a bath prior to catching my flight home.  

Japanese baths are a little different than what I was used to back in the US, particularly that you wash before getting in the bath so that the water keeps clean for everyone.

Upon paying I got issued a key for a locker in the ladies changing room.  Typically there are seperate bath facilities for men and women.

After undressing and stowing my things in my locker I went out to the washing area. A typical washing area consists of mirrored stalls equipped with a handheld shower head and stools to sit on.  Additionally, shampoo, conditioner, and body wash are provided along with a bowl that you can fill with water and dump on yourself for rinsing.

Once I was squeaky clean I went to soak in the hot bath and enjoy the view.  It was really relaxing and I could watch the planes taking off over Ise Bay. I had the bath to myself so I couldn't resist sneaking a few pictures. 

Unfortunately I had to catch my flight home so all too soon I was rinsing off again and heading back into the changing area to get dressed and dry my hair. After a long work week and with a twelve hour flight ahead of me that hot bath was just what I needed.

If you are interested, check out the rest of my December 2011 Japan Trip here: Visiting Hieizan Enryaku-jiKobe: Luminarie + BeefAutumn in KyotoFavorite Eats in Toyota-shiCentrair Airport Bath

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