Entries in Europe (118)
Picture of the Day: Vienna Skyline
Vienna, Austria

Random Sights: Smart Car Parking in Rome
While Frank I were in Rome earlier this week we saw a lot of interesting parking jobs to most effectively utilize the limited space available. My particular favorite was the creativity used by two passenger Smart Car drivers.
On several occasions (like this picture I snapped next to Trajan's Forum) the Smart Cars parked perpendicularly on the side of the street where the other cars had parallel parked. Parking flexibility definitely seems to be an advantage of driving a two passanger car!

Random Sights: Bobble Head Souvenirs at the Vatican
As Frank and I were walking to St. Peter's Square on Sunday morning to see the pope greet the masses from his study window we ran across a souvenir stand just outside of the Vatican wall selling bobble head dolls.
I'm not exactly the bobble head doll collecting type, but the back row of dolls consisting of a roman emporer, some gladiators and a member of the Swiss guard seemed like reasonable souvenirs. However, the front row of Pope bobble head dolls, complete with crucifix, seemed a little strange to me and perhaps bordering on sacrilegious. What do you think? Do you find it odd or would you want one?

Random Sights: Bottled Water Advertisement in Paris
This advertisement for Evian water on the side of a vending machine at a Paris Metro stop has me totally baffled. I just don't understand why this guy is wearing a t-shirt with a baby's body on it and I really don't get what it has to do with bottled water. I'm also confused how their statement "fraîcheur garantie" (guaranteed fresh) ties in with the picture.
Although mystifying, the picture does totally crack me up. It looks funny and would make a pretty good Halloween costume.
Anyway, if anyone out there has any insight into the meaning of this advertisement please let me know. The best I can think of is baby = young = fresh but then why not just have a picture of a baby with the water instead? What do you think?

Picture of the Day: Traditional Greek Shoes for Sale in Athens
Athens, Greece

Off to Italy!
Frank and I are taking off this evening for our Italy trip. Because we booked low mileage frequent flier flights (don't you love free flights?) we are taking a round about way to get there with day layovers in Montreal and Paris. I don't mind at all and actually I am happy about it. I love both cities and getting bonus days there will be fun plus I'll get to try to revive a bit of my high school French.
While I am away I have some posts already planned and I hope to also post a bit on my trip if I have the chance but I want to focus on enjoying my vacation and relaxing. I am really looking forward to this break from work and hope to come back refreshed. I'm also a little stir crazy because it has been almost two months since I've gone out of town. It's time to hit the road!
Do you have any spring or summer vacation plans? Where are you heading? If you don't have any plans, where do you wish you were going?

Picture of the Day: Tulip Bulbs for Sale in Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Picture of the Day: Winter Garden at Château de Villandry
Château de Villandry
Loire Valley, France

Picture of the Day: Lamp Post Detail in Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovakia