As I am approaching a year since I started this blog I would love to hear a little more from the people who are taking time to read what I am writing. Learning about my commenters when they share stories or insights into their lives is one of my favorite parts of having a blog.
I thought it would be fun to directly ask people to share about themselves and have a chance to give me feedback on the blog or ask me questions, too. So, please tell me five random (or not so random) facts about you! I love learning what makes a particular person uniquely them.
Also, is there anything you would like to see on my blog or anything that you particularly like that I am already doing? Also, feel free to ask me anything that you would like!
I figured I would start things off with five random things about me so here it goes:
1. I've lived in four states and two countries but I think that I will probably stay put where I am for a long time to come. I've worked too hard on my house to move!
2. Whenever I am stressed, worried or thinking really hard about something I yank on my hair. It is a weird habit that I have tried to stop for years with no luck. I usually don't even realize I am doing it...
3. I am a terrible housekeeper. I know that when I post photos of my house it looks neat, but that's because I've cleaned up before the picture. I have a tendency to prefer working on house or craft projects to cleaning. It's just more fun! This is my craft room right now:
4. I've grown out my hair and then donated it to Locks of Love a few times. My hair is actually long right now so I should probably update my profile picture on the blog (it's from April 2011 right after I cut it last time).
5. My middle name is Marie
Okay, now that I have shared, tell me about you!